Group Model Subervsioning

The Group model Subversioning allows to have the Group model in the SVN repository as central location and allows the developer to have a selfservice enviroment where they can Extrac and Update the Group Model easily.
Having the gropu model as subversion also allows to easily revert any change commited to the grouo model.
The Matchpoint SVn Inegration has the next automatic process:
Woking Copy Checkout
Matchpoit will checkuot the working copy from the subversion server repository to the client machine
SVN Update
Before extracting a new Local Model from a Group Model that is under subversion MatchPoint will update the client working copy to the latest revision from the subversion repository
SVN Commit
After a Group Model is updated MatchPoint will commit the changes to the subversion repository
Menu/Master Data/Application Management/Applications/Edit Version/Model Manager