Model Manager Configuration

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Model Manager Configuration

Extract Directory

1. Extract Directory
Directory for local model extracts

Update Directory

2. Update Directory
Directory for local models, which are to be updated

Backup Dir Group Model

3. Backup Dir Group Model
Directory, where the group model is zipped and backed up before local model update

Backup Dir Local Model

4. Backup Dir Local Model
Directory, where local models are zipped and backed up before local model update

Default Group Model Path

5. Default Group Model Path
Directory of the group model

Model Administrator

6. Model Administrator
The selected user is the model administrator. The model administrator can be
automatically notified and/or has the authority to access certain model information.

Delete Model at Check Out

7. Delete Model at Check Out
The local model is deleted in the extract directory when checked out by the developer

Delete Model at Check In

8. Delete Model at Check In
The local model is deleted in the developer’s model directory when checked in to the
update directory

Delete Model after update

9. Delete Model after update
The local model is deleted from the update directory if the update is completed

Create Backup before update

10. Create Backup before update
The local model is backed up before updated to the group model

Allow Model

11. Allow Model
A model can be reused after it is update to the group model. This is not
recommended by CA.

Create Group Model Backup

12. Create Group Model Backup

Lock Group Model

13. Lock Group Model
This option locks the group model. It can then only be accessed through the Plex
Model Manager.

E-Mail Extract

14. E-Mail Extract
The developer is notified by e-mail when a model extract is ready for him.

E-Mail Check Out

15. E-Mail Check Out
The model administrator is notified by e-mail when a model is checked out.

E-Mail Check In

16. E-Mail Check In
The model administrator is notified by e-mail when a model is checked in.

E-Mail Update

17. E-Mail Update
The developer is notified by e-mail when his model is updated to the group model.

Rename Extract

18. Rename Extract
Rename Extract
The local model name of an extract is based on the template model that is used for
the extract. When this flag is checked, the local model is renamed according to the
rename parameters (see above)
Rename Extract Prefix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the model name
Rename Extract Suffix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the model name

Zip Extract

19. Zip Extract
Zip Extract
The extracted local model is zipped in the extract directory. This option is useful if
you are working with large models and/or the model is checked out through a low
bandwidth connection.
Rename Extract Zip
The zip file name, which is based on the model name, is renamed according to the
rename parameters (see below)
Rename Extract Zip Prefix
User: The user id is added to the zip file name
Date: The current date is added to the zip filename
Rename Extract Zip Suffix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the zip file name

Rename Check In

20. Rename Check In
Rename Check In
The local model is renamed during the check in process according to the rename
parameters (see below)
Rename Check In Prefix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the model name
Rename Check In Suffix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the model name

Zip Check In

21. Zip Check In
Zip Check In
The model is zipped before checked in to the update directory
Rename Check In Zip
The zip file is rename during the check in process according to the rename
parameters (see below)
Rename Check In Zip Prefix
User: The user id is added to the zip file name
Date: The current date is added to the zip filename
Rename Check In Zip Suffix
User: The user id is added to the model name
Date: The current date is added to the zip file name

Rename Check Out

22. Rename Check Out
Rename Check Out
The local model (or the zip file) is renamed during the check out process according to
the rename parameters (see below)
Rename Check Out Prefix
User: The user id is added to the model name or zip file name
Date: The current date is added to the model name or zip file name
Rename Check Out Suffix
User: The user id is added to the model name or zip file name
Date: The current date is added to the model name or zip file name